Jesus’ One Flesh Argument (Mt. 19:6)

By Timothy Sparks


For this study, a brief explanation of “present indicative” may be helpful:

“The present tense usually denotes continuous kind of action. It shows ‘action in progress’ or ‘a state of persistence.’ When used in the indicative mood, the present tense denotes action taking place or going on in the present time.
For example: ‘In Whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.’ Eph 2:22 

‘Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.’ Heb 10:25 (

“So they are never again two, but one flesh. What therefore God united, a human cannot divide” (Mt. 19:6; unless otherwise stated, translations are mine). 

The present active indicative of “they are” (εἰσὶν, Mt. 19:6) indicates “they are continuously never again two.” In the same verse, the verb carries forward to modify “one flesh.” We understand in English, “they are continuously one flesh.” 

When we understand Jesus’ one flesh argument, we can realize the strength of God’s one flesh union: 

Literal translation“So no more are they two, but one flesh. What therefore the God united, a human not do divide.” 

Modified literal translation“So they are continuously never again two, but they are continuously one flesh. What therefore God united, a human cannot divide.” 


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3 responses to “Jesus’ One Flesh Argument (Mt. 19:6)

  1. Franklin Pichardo

    Thank you Timothy for sharing this article.


  2. Thanks for the study, among the many, with which I have enjoyed the compositions.


  3. Ken Worrell

    Excellent work, thank you for bringing such clarification and truth to this topic.


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